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The Daily Memphian – Truth in place.
Husband ‘thankful’ to donate a kidney for his wife
Chip Washington wanted to give his kidney to his ailing wife Wanda, but he wasn’t a match. Instead, his left kidney was removed Tuesday, Nov. 23, and sent to someone else who needed a transplant. That allowed Wanda to receive a compatible kidney from another donor Tuesday evening. (Courtesy of Methodist University Hospital)

Chip Washington wanted to give his kidney to his ailing wife Wanda, but he wasn’t a match. Instead, his left kidney was removed Tuesday, Nov. 23, and sent to someone else who needed a transplant. That allowed Wanda to receive a compatible kidney from another donor Tuesday evening. (Courtesy of Methodist University Hospital)

Chip Washington wanted to give his kidney to his ailing wife, but he wasn’t a match. “What else can I do?” he asked doctors.


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