Who gets to visit nursing homes? Well, it depends
Carl Powers is visited by daughter Lisa Anderson and grandson Hayes Anderson as the nursing home Ave Maria begins to lift COVID-19 precautions March 12, 2021. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
Billy Hodgins sings to his daughters Hayley Duffy (left) and Terry Irvan during a socially distanced visit at Ave Maria March 12, 2021. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
Carl Powers visits with his grandson Hayes Anderson for the first time in over a year at Ave Maria March 12, 2021. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
Billy Hodgins sings to his daughters Hayley Duffy (left) and Terry Irvan during a socially distanced visit at Ave Maria March 12, 2021. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
The federal government says visits may be allowed indoors at long-term care facilities, even for unvaccinated, but local visitation policies are wildly different.
Ave Maria Frank Gattuso Jr Rick Baker Milton Mayer Carey AcerraJane Roberts
Longtime journalist Jane Roberts is a Minnesotan by birth and a Memphian by choice. She's lived and reported in the city more than two decades. She covers business news and features for The Daily Memphian.
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