Guest column: Fix the problems plaguing Shelby County Jail now
“We need to do something now to protect both inmates and employees.”
Leslie Taylor is executive director of Memphis Crime Beat, a nonprofit 501(c)3 created to reduce crime in Memphis.
There are 3 articles by Leslie Taylor :
“We need to do something now to protect both inmates and employees.”
“People ask, ‘What can I do about crime?’ If you are a resident of Shelby County, then voting on Aug. 1 for a qualified court clerk will absolutely make a difference. This one simple action you can make the justice system well run, transparent and accountable.”
“Contrary to what activist groups might have you think, Memphians agree about the problems of and solutions to crime. Right now, Memphians need to not only remind ourselves, but also remind our elected leaders that we are united. Memphis stands together.”
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