Compromise could cost Audubon Park golf course one of its holes
The compromise announced by Memphis City Council members Ford Canale and Chase Carlisle Monday, Oct. 31, does away with a hole in the expanded golf course by the park’s lake.
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The compromise announced by Memphis City Council members Ford Canale and Chase Carlisle Monday, Oct. 31, does away with a hole in the expanded golf course by the park’s lake.
The chairman of the local crime commission and a Memphis City Council member talk on “Behind The Headlines” about the reaction to weeks of violence.
A city charter change that would allow the mayor and members of the city council to serve three consecutive terms goes on the ballot in August.
The council’s passage of first reading of the ordinance to create the special fund for an overhaul of the city bus system was approved the day after the Shelby County Commission took the same action.
Tennessee Valley Authority officials got a hostile reception when they took an economic development study to the Memphis City Council Tuesday.
Making its way through the Memphis City Council are a pair of ballot questions that could change the face of city government and the nature of city politics — if they get on the ballot and if a majority of city voters agree at the ballot box. The election backstory: Term limitsRelated coverage:
The election backstory: Primaries
The two proposals were introduced during council committee sessions but appear to have been discussed among council members prior to that. City Council approves Southwind apartments, Liberty Park management contract, moreRelated story:
2021 police stats show arrests for reckless driving and drag racing are up over 2020. That follows a stronger police presence and traffic enforcement without changing the police pursuit policy.
Memphis Light, Gas & Water confirms it is reviewing its failure to post financial disclosure forms on the Internet — just as City Council members begin asking critical questions.
The council debate was underway as state legislators were debating in Nashville. The common factor in both discussions was Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn “C.J.” Davis, who backed the bill in Nashville while outlining strategies to hire more officers who live in Memphis.
Some elected leaders are already promising a long-term review of why outages continue to cripple the city for days at a time.
The council moved to bind approval for a new Midtown hotel to other parts of the project, calling for retail and residential development before a certificate of occupancy can be issued for the hotel.
The state has lowered the percentage it expects to make on investments that finance pension funds. By state law, the city of Memphis must lower its discount rate as well in the spring budget season.
Whether it is an old-fashioned drag race on a quarter-mile of city street straightaway, weaving in and out of traffic at 100-mph-plus on interstates or performing stunts in public parking lot, the street racing culture brings danger, and sometimes tragedy, to those unfortunate enough to be nearby.
The delay came after some council members opposed to the ballot question pushed for a separate vote on first reading Tuesday, Dec. 21.
City Council members resurrect a project they killed three weeks ago on a tie vote for a January re-vote. And the debate was contentious.
Most council members abstained or didn’t vote Monday in a test vote on the new proposal to allow Memphis Police officers to live outside the county ,but within a 50-mile radius.
The Memphis City Council approved one pipeline ordinance but denied another that would have kept oil pipelines from locating within 1,500 feet of schools, churches and parks.
The Black-owned multi-family developer who partnered with Carlisle Development on part of the One Beale project and the nearby 7 Vance mixed-use development is taking Carlisle to court as the issue of minority participation in general moves back to the front burner.
The percentage is a calculation that excludes the city’s spend in areas where it is determined there are no local minority businesses.
The higher minimum wage for EDGE tax break incentives was well short of seven votes Tuesday, Oct. 19, on the Memphis City Council. Opponents of the measure defeated a move to delay the outcome but there may still be some life left in the call for higher pay for tax breaks.
The council also delayed action on several resolutions awarding federal American Rescue Plan Act funding allocated for the council’s uses.
The council is on record opposing TVA’s plan to truck coal ash from the old Allen Fossil Plant to a landfill in Capleville. The Tuesday council committee discussion also ventured into TVA’s role in the Blue Oval City Ford battery plant.
The Greater Memphis Chamber backs forming a commission to explore city-county consolidation but doesn’t have a position yet on whether consolidation would be a good idea.
The council votes to appoint a study committee to weigh whether the city should pursue drafting a charter that would consolidate city and county governments if approved by voters.