Dispatches from the home front: Buyers battle for houses
Melissa Thompson (left) talks with her friend and client, Leigh Stevenson, after selling the Stevensons’ house in one day. (Greg Campbell/Special to The Daily Memphian)
Two extreme lows have turned Memphis into a battleground for would-be homebuyers: Low mortgage interest rates that make borrowing so attractive, and a low number of “For Sale” signs that make finding and grabbing a house so difficult. Experts share their advice.
residential real estate Realtors Benchmark at Southwind Realtors Crye-Leike Realtors First Horizon/IberiaBank Subscriber OnlyThank you for supporting local journalism.
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Tom Bailey
Tom Bailey retired in January as a business reporter at The Daily Memphian, and after 40 years in journalism. A Tupelo, Mississippi, native, he graduated from Mississippi State University. He has lived in Midtown for 36 years.
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