Top cops: The 12 Memphis Police directors
Memphis Police Director Michael Rallings announced on April 1, that the city will use the ShotSpotter surveillance system in high-crime areas to locate the direction of gunshots. The first sensor was installed in the Orange Mound area. Rallings retired Wednesday, April 14. (Yolanda Jones/Daily Memphian)
Since the position was created in 1972, the department has had a dozen directors. A new era is set to begin with the April 14 retirement of Michael Rallings.
Memphis Police Department Memphis Police Director Michael Rallings Subscriber Only city of MemphisThank you for supporting local journalism.
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Bill Dries
Bill Dries covers city and county government and politics. He is a native Memphian and has been a reporter for more than 40 years.
Yolanda Jones
Yolanda Jones covers criminal justice issues and general assignment news for The Daily Memphian. She previously was a reporter at The Commercial Appeal.
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