Group that funded 2023 mayor’s race poll identified, plans another one
The Greater 901 Initiative, a political action committee, was identified as the group paying for the earlier poll in an email sent out Tuesday evening.
The Greater 901 Initiative, a political action committee, was identified as the group paying for the earlier poll in an email sent out Tuesday evening.
The meeting was canceled after Memphis City Council Vice Chairman JB Smiley Jr. asked Davis and City Attorney Jennifer Sink about it during the council’s Tuesday meeting.
The plan approved Tuesday would create a Cordova council district. A second plan didn’t make it onto the Tuesday, May 2, agenda but will be back for a first vote in two weeks.
The new $22.5 million grader, delivered to its home port at Ensley Engineering Yard in Memphis in April, will service more than 950 miles of the lower Mississippi River, from Cairo, Illinois, to the gulf.
Memphis City Council could contradict Tennessee state gun laws and pass ordinances that could ban assault weapons and permitless carry.
The City Council has two very different options for redrawing its district lines for the October city ballot. Both plans are on the Tuesday, May 2, agenda for the first of three votes.
Memphis City Attorney Jennifer Sink has taken the stance the City of Memphis' five-year residency requirement for mayoral candidates is in effect.
The move is the latest in Strickland’s push to boost Memphis police numbers.
Six contenders in the race for Memphis mayor spoke at an event organized by Commit to Memphis at Mosaic Commons, also known as Mosaic Church in Midtown.
A working group, chaired by Memphis City Councilwoman Rhonda Logan, has met monthly since last summer to draft guidance for the city on used tires, solid waste, beautification, Environmental Court and community outreach.
SunAh M. Laybourn can name multiple reasons that spurred her to organize a calendar of events in honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May.
Did you miss Monday’s Memphis mayoral debate? Here’s what you need to know.
MPD has conducted investigations in Gaslight, Bunker Hill and Cane Creek for weeks, determining in the “early morning hours,” a man has been approaching “young females” and forcing them into his vehicle.
After a 20-year stint at the Memphis Zoo, Ya Ya returns to Shanghai, China, accompanied by the zoo’s senior veterinarian and chief zoological officer.
A referendum ordinance on a two-year residency requirement cleared the Memphis City Council, which left open the question of the residency requirement for this year’s race for mayor.Related story:
The idea’s benefits could be many: It would allow people to build equity, and it would lessen the backlog of the city’s renter program. It could also bring a new steel frame manufacturer to the city.
The $792 million proposal is $42 million larger than the current city budget. Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland is not proposing a property tax increase but said the increase is funded by sales tax revenue, economic growth and the performance of the city’s investments.
New evidence should be considered in a dismissed lawsuit with ties to the death of Eliza Fletcher, according to recent court filings.
“Who’s to say there’s not going to be a hot tub rolling down the road next month,” said Ashley Coleman, owner of the pedal-powered bar Sprock and Roll.
Meanwhile, some city council members are calling in city chief legal officer Jennifer Sink to take a stand on what the residency requirement is for those running for mayor.
During a Monday, April 24, visit to Memphis, Sen. Marsha Blackburn talked about her endorsement of former President Donald Trump and took to Twitter to offer supporters a “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha pizza cutter.”
Late Monday evening, a resolution on the city’s residency requirement for mayoral candidates was added to the council’s executive session. Council chairman Martavius Jones wants the city’s chief legal officer to take a stand on just how long a candidate for mayor must have lived in the city.
Bartlett continues to work on its sewage flow and release of it to the Memphis system with holding tanks designed to deliver the sewage during off-peak times.
The Monday debate at Halloran Centre, presented by The Daily Memphian, is about crime and criminal justice. The race to be the next mayor, however, is still a struggle largely taking place out of public view.
The first-term Memphis City Council member will lead implementation of a new environmental curriculum in the city’s riverfront parks.