Letter to the Editor: Don’t frame property tax rate in moral terms
Cardell Orrin of Stand for Children Tennessee (center) leads a coalition of a dozen local nonprofits calling for the city and county property tax rates to stay the same to fund a “moral agenda” of items the groups favor. (Bill Dries/The Daily Memphian)
‘I’m not opposed to funding social programs, but let’s do it without pretending there’s morality in extracting money from people this way.’
Shelby County Budget Stand for Children Tennessee Cardell Orrin Letters to the EditorLetters to the Editor
The Daily Memphian welcomes a diverse range of views and invites readers to submit Letters to the Editor at letters@dailymemphian.com. Submissions should be fewer than 250 words in length. Preference will be given to letters addressing local issues. Writers must provide their name, city where they reside, email address and phone number. Letters that are published will include the writer’s name and city. Anonymous submissions will not be considered.
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