Guest column: How guns became the leading cause of death among children
“For most of my long life, car crashes, cancer, drowning and sudden infant death were the leading causes of death for kids – not guns.”
“For most of my long life, car crashes, cancer, drowning and sudden infant death were the leading causes of death for kids – not guns.”
“Dan Richards, 65, is one of just 239 people to complete the Triple Crown of open water marathon swimming. And he is the 12th to do it after age 50.”
Proposed legislation would require results of a DNA test for birth certificates to be officially validated with unmarried fathers’ names.
‘Overton Park’s charm continues to draw together the best of our community, doing what healthy communities do: Savor and save that which brings us together and defines us.’
George Cates made Overton Park a song again. George Cates found a lost masterpiece and restored it. His quiet servant leadership was art. His final canvas is an inspiration.
“Despite the grousing and threats of a meaningless censure, Strickland is simply being Strickland. He’s also being pragmatic.”
There’s nothing wrong with a non-partisan mayor trying to curry favor with a member of either political party, particularly when his constituents elected him to do just that.
A subscriber says, “There are those of us who love our (Memphis Symphony Orchestra) musicians just as much as people love our great sports teams!”
During the downtime of the pandemic, our reliance on artistic expression became very clear to all of us — both performers and audiences — and so did our interdependence. Do not let our pandemic habits become our permanent ones.
The IARP alleges that Penny Hardaway and Memphis basketball committed multiple Level 1 violations. The university is fighting back. Could this be the beginning of the end for Hardaway? The battle has been joined.
“This is about simple celebration, something we simply don’t do enough of because we spend far too much time looking for something grand and glorious to pop our cork.”
The controversy over Tommy Kha’s photography was about art at the airport. But it was also about the living legacy of old, dead Elvis in the city that made him.
Our society’s long-overdue reckoning with racial inequities is not a full-blown offensive to correct 246 years of racial disparities in America. It’s more like baby steps designed to start making our institutions more reflect the makeup of our population.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act governs collection agencies and other third-party collectors.
“Both approaches are the desperate acts of people who can’t counter an argument with salient facts or pertinent positions, people reduced to talking points, perhaps, screaming points.”
The bottom line is Mason’s elected leaders were right not to surrender the charter. They have a legitimate right to exist as an incorporated town.
“I look forward to the return of Lent ... To the return of the Word and waffles Downtown at 102 N. Second St.”
“All of that aside, John K., it’s no mystery to me why the crowd goes crazy when you get in the game,” says Candace Echols in her open letter to the Grizzlies player.
Penny Hardaway wasn’t named AAC Coach of the Year Wednesday. But no coach in the country has done more in the past two months.
As The Daily Memphian enters its fourth full year covering the Memphis area, we wanted to take a moment to thank you, our readers and supporters.
“Seeing me struggle, my friend Dave took the pack off my back and began carrying it for me. It was a humbling experience, one that made me think deeply about the virtue of humility.”
Even after all these years and all the meetings I’ve attended, all the projects I’ve worked on, it still amazes me how fast an opportunity to bring us together can turn to sewage.
A local race that already had the makings of an intense battle has gotten more interesting. All because of our polar opposite political views on voting rights. Let’s continue that debate.
It is time to return because the moral soul of the planet is under threat in the invasion of Ukraine, and we can’t fight this evil via Zoom.
In churches throughout the world, and right here in Memphis, small groups are gathering to pray and reflect on the future of the church. St. Patrick Catholic Church is trying to heed Pope Francis’ invitation to “journey together.”