Conaway: ‘Light it up,’ he told the driver
“In a world either on fire or simmering, in a country dangerously divided, in a challenged city, perspective returns in an ambulance.”
“In a world either on fire or simmering, in a country dangerously divided, in a challenged city, perspective returns in an ambulance.”
“We were out in the country, the middle of nowhere yet right here, two old friends and a couple dogs among old barns on a new morning, and we were having a business meeting.”
We’ve become physically and intellectually lazy. We’ve made our goals easy, and we’ve made the first answer we like good enough, true or not.
“The state has not merely encouraged white flight, the state has enabled it. The state has not merely supported white flight, the state built the airport, and the runway surrounds the city.”
Research has revealed that Nathan Bedford Forrest’s slave pens were originally behind Calvary Episcopal Church, but in the 1880s, the church expanded to the east over the site of the pens.
This is the same power grab of something positive, something working, something of real benefit now and in the future from the largest and neediest public system in the state to further separate it and isolate it.
All across Memphis, like the hives of Thistle & Bee, people are hard at work to bring fellow Memphians back from the ravages of poverty, abuse, neglect and the companions of those conditions — crime, addiction and exploitation.
“Rather than flex his considerable corporate muscle in objection, a very busy man carved out two hours to spend with me to talk about something we both love. This city.”
The mayonnaise is richer than Elon Musk.
“The Boys and Girls Clubs have moved in, connected with and changed some of our most troubled communities. We could help so many more.”
At an upcoming event, unwanted guns will be turned into something that plants new seeds and instills new hope.
“Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.”
Your City Council has voted twice already — unanimously, through the body’s consent agenda — to give themselves health care for life. On Tuesday, if they vote for it a third time, it will become law.
“And whoever — singular or plural — made the decision to bypass all elected bodies, kneecap the brand-new city mayor and invite Tenn. Gov. Bill Lee to come plant the state flag in City Hall does not speak for us.”
“Lee thinks his voucher program will become a national model. The lies told to get it, and the threats and pressure brought to bear, have already made it a national embarrassment.”
“I got in touch with Harry and told him my idea. Conduct an experiment. Submit my column ‘Pig Ultimate’ to ChatGPT and ask for three different 100-word reviews: one very positive, one negative and one balanced.”
Martavius Jones has just snuck into your house through an unlocked window and stolen a knee replacement from your dark living room.
“If you’re looking for something to look forward to in the New Year, I’ll give you two. Just look up.”
The worn Big Bird and Cookie Monster, the Scotties and Flamingos, the typewriter and macramé angel, the stuff kids made, weren’t for the marketing target audience, they were for us.
“JB Smiley Jr., or any local elected official, has no business in the board rooms of the University of Memphis. If the city council ran the university, chaos would be the only curriculum, and a BS degree would not stand for Bachelor of Science.”
“If something is injuring and assaulting us, if something has become the common denominator in virtually all manner of violent crime, if something aids criminals ... if something is killing us, the city council’s job is to do something about it now.”
AI already knows too much, and the controlled application of that knowledge is everything.
A chance encounter reminds that this is a time for the arrival of hope — at breakfast counters and in hearts.
“No state, not one, has ever rejected this federal education funding. No state. Not one.”
“I see little of more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist.”