Crime rate doesn’t necessarily deter businesses considering relocation
A handcuffed suspect leans on the hood of a police car while officers process his arrest Mach 6, 2021. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
Although Memphis has long battled perceptions (and reality) about its crime rate, community leaders say it’s not as much of a factor in economic recruitment efforts as one might expect.
crime rate Phil Trenary Mayor Lee Harris Mayor Jim Strickland Kevin Kane Reid Dulberger Ted Townsend Subscriber OnlyThank you for supporting local journalism.
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Blake Fontenay
Blake Fontenay’s 27-year journalism career has taken him to many newspapers in four states. However, he had never returned to work in any of the other cities where he had been before until the opportunity to report for the Daily Memphian presented itself. He covers business for the Daily Memphian.
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