Street Food: A locally made hot sauce heats up the competition
Lawerence Russell preps oven-smoked peppers and roasted garlic for Black Sheep’s hot sauce. Russell rents commercial kitchen space at Church Health in Crosstown Concourse, where he makes one or two eight-gallon batches of hot sauce a week. (Ziggy Mack/Special to the Daily Memphian)
Chris Herrington
Chris Herrington has covered the Memphis Grizzlies, in one way or another, since the franchise’s second season in Memphis, while also writing about music, movies, food and civic life. As far as he knows, he’s the only member of the Professional Basketball Writers Association who is also a member of a film critics group and has also voted in national music critic polls for Rolling Stone and the Village Voice (RIP). He and his wife have two kids and, for reasons that sometimes elude him, three dogs.
Black Sheep Bottling sells its hot sauce at four local farmers markets in season: Downtown, Cooper-Young, Bartlett and Hernando. You can also find it on the shelf at the Curb Market, Tamboli’s, Oxbeau and Charlie’s Meat Market.
Black Sheep Bottling Lawerence Russell Char Memphis Farmers Market Cooper-Young Farmers Market Curb Market Tamboli’s Pasta & Pizza Subscriber OnlyThank you for supporting local journalism.
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