Matt Blackwell tries to take his social distancing seriously as soon as he can get his inflatable catamaran on Hyde Lake at Shelby Farms on March 26, 2020, as Memphians emerge from their sheltering-in-place to enjoy a budding spring day after weeks of poor weather and worsening news have conspired to keep most folks indoors. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)
Mostly well-spaced out crowds flock to Shelby Farms on March 26, 2020, as Memphians emerge from their sheltering-in-place to enjoy a budding spring day after weeks of poor weather and worsening news have conspired to keep most folks indoors. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)
Paige Burchett tries to teach her mother Quartella Burchett how to do the Tik-Tok dance to pass the time while practicing a form of social distancing with the rest of the Burchett family at Shelby Farms on March 26, 2020, as Memphians emerge from their sheltering-in-place to enjoy a budding spring day after weeks of poor weather and worsening news have conspired to keep most folks indoors. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)
Mostly well-spaced out crowds flock to Shelby Farms on March 26, 2020, as Memphians emerge from their sheltering-in-place to enjoy a budding spring day after weeks of poor weather and worsening news have conspired to keep most folks indoors. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)
Erik Cortes spins his niece Anabella Garcia, 8, like a dervish at Shelby Farms on March 26, 2020, as Memphians emerge from their sheltering-in-place to enjoy a budding spring day after weeks of poor weather and worsening news have conspired to keep most folks indoors. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)
Mostly well-spaced out crowds flock to Shelby Farms on March 26, 2020, as Memphians emerge from their sheltering-in-place to enjoy a budding spring day after weeks of poor weather and worsening news have conspired to keep most folks indoors. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)
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