First half of 2020 sees spike in violent crime, decrease in property crimes
While property crimes, which include burglaries, motor vehicle thefts and other felony thefts, were down in Memphis and Shelby County, violent crime increased for the first six months of the year and the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the uptick. On the morning of March 31, the McLean Mart at McLean and Tutwiler was burglarized after a vehicle rammed into the store. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian file)
Homicides and aggravated assaults are up for the first half of the year in Memphis and Shelby County. Property crimes are down; officials said more people at home during the pandemic equates to fewer burglaries.
Memphis Shelby County Crime Commission crime rate HomicidesYolanda Jones
Yolanda Jones covers criminal justice issues and general assignment news for The Daily Memphian. She previously was a reporter at The Commercial Appeal.
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