Akbari wants end to no-knock police warrants in wake of Breonna Taylor death
Protesters hold up signs showing Breonna Taylor during a rally in her honor on the steps of the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort on June 25. A grand jury on Wednesday, Sept. 23, indicted one officer on criminal charges six months after Taylor was fatally shot. (Timothy D. Easley/Associated Press file)
Trying to prevent a replay of the Breonna Taylor shooting death from taking place in Tennessee, state Sen. Raumesh Akbari is planning legislation prohibiting police from using no-knock warrants.
Raumesh Akbari Bill Lee Breonna Taylor William LamberthSam Stockard
Sam Stockard is a Nashville-based reporter with more than 30 years of journalism experience as a writer, editor and columnist covering the state Legislature and Tennessee politics for The Daily Memphian.
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