Landlords, government battle over speed of court case; eviction ban to end Dec. 31
Several eviction notices litter the front porch of a vacant blighted home in Northaven in 2019. The pandemic has made eviction a national controversy. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian file)
U.S. Dist. Judge Mark Norris has rejected a petition by seven Memphis landlords to temporarily, at least, block a federal ban on evictions. But the full case continues in court.
evictions Neighborhood Preservation Inc. U.S. District Judge Mark Norris Glankler Brown COVIDTom Bailey
Tom Bailey retired in January as a business reporter at The Daily Memphian, and after 40 years in journalism. A Tupelo, Mississippi, native, he graduated from Mississippi State University. He has lived in Midtown for 36 years.
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