Calkins: With hope and defiance, thousands finished Eliza Fletcher’s run
Runners, supporters and mourners attend the 4:20 a.m “Let's Finish Liza's Run” event on Friday, Sept. 9, 2022. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
Geoff Calkins
Geoff Calkins has been chronicling Memphis and Memphis sports for more than two decades. He is host of "The Geoff Calkins Show" from 9-11 a.m. M-F on 92.9 FM. Calkins has been named the best sports columnist in the country five times by the Associated Press sports editors, but still figures his best columns are about the people who make Memphis what it is.
They didn’t let fear stop them. Exactly one week after Eliza Fletcher’s abduction and death, more than a thousand Memphians turned out at 4:20 a.m. to finish the run that Eliza could not.
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