Of small towns and tragedies: Memories of Rolling Fork before the tornado

Filmmaker Willy Bearden on his hometown: “To say it out loud is to keep it alive.”

By , Guest Columnist Updated: March 28, 2023 9:18 AM CT | Published: March 28, 2023 4:00 AM CT
Guest Columnist

Willy Bearden

Willy Bearden is a filmmaker, photographer, author and producer. His documentary films include Visualizing the Blues, The Story of Cotton, A History of Memphis Garage Bands, Overton Park, Elmwood Cemetery and many others.

“I’m from Rolling Fork, Mississippi, in what I like to call the Deep Delta. It is the place that made me. It is the place that gave me the confidence to do all the things I’ve dreamed of and accomplished.”


Rolling Fork Willy Bearden


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