Opinion: It’s time for Tennessee to expand Medicaid

By  and , Guest Columnist Updated: June 16, 2024 4:00 AM CT | Published: June 16, 2024 4:00 AM CT
April Hubbard
Guest Columnist

April Hubbard

April Hubbard is an American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network volunteer and the founder of Memphis-based Pink with a Purpose nonprofit, providing support for cancer survivors and caregivers.

Maddie Michael
Guest Columnist

Maddie Michael

Maddie Michael is the Tennessee government relations director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. 

When states close the coverage gap, more people can pay their bills and avoid medical debt, hospitals have a better chance at staying open, and more employees stay healthy and working, say Maddie Michael and April Hubbard.


Medicaid expansion American Cancer Society


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