Physician groups call for taxes, marketing policies on sugary drinks

By , Daily Memphian Updated: April 17, 2019 10:58 AM CT | Published: April 16, 2019 5:10 PM CT
<strong>Tamrelyn Banning gets doused in green apple sauce by vice principal Cam Alexander (left) and principal Stephanie Beech during an assembly at Oak Elementary in Bartlett on April, 12, 2019, to celebrate the school meeting their heart-healthy goal of getting exercise and choosing milk or water over sugary drinks. As a reward they got to slime their gym teacher. </strong>(Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)

Tamrelyn Banning gets doused in green apple sauce by vice principal Cam Alexander (left) and principal Stephanie Beech during an assembly at Oak Elementary in Bartlett on April, 12, 2019, to celebrate the school meeting their heart-healthy goal of getting exercise and choosing milk or water over sugary drinks. As a reward they got to slime their gym teacher. (Jim Weber/Daily Memphian)

It's still common practice in the Mid-South to bring a cooler full of Gatorade or Capri Suns to a youth sporting event, but not for long if two large health groups have their say. 


American Academy of Pediatrics American Heart Association-Mid-South
Michelle Corbet

Michelle Corbet

Michelle Corbet covers business for The Daily Memphian. Prior to, she was a reporter at the Memphis Business Journal. A native Memphian and University of Memphis graduate, Michelle covered business in Conway, Arkansas after college. Michelle got her start covering business as an intern at The Commercial Appeal.


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