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Restaurant closings due to ‘domino effect’

By , Daily Memphian Updated: July 27, 2024 3:32 PM CT | Published: July 26, 2024 4:00 AM CT

Few stories on The Daily Memphian get more readership than articles about restaurants closing and opening.

As I wrote when I interviewed Tim Barker, whose Edge Alley was a favorite of mine before it closed in January, restaurants — at their best — are much more than places to eat. They’re places to gather together, to retreat from the world and to enjoy a space just for its own sake. 

The impact of photography at the Brooks

And so when a favorite restaurant closes, there’s sadness, worry, even anger. Tim and The Daily Memphian’s food and dining reporter, Jennifer Chandler, joined me on this week’s episode of The Sidebar to talk about all complicated issues surrounding the restaurant industry.

We talk about why restaurants close, why others open, the changes in restaurants in many cities beyond Memphis, and the overall challenges that all restaurants face post-COVID, including the rising cost of almost every aspect of running a restaurant. 

Take a listen.

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The Sidebar, which airs every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. on WYXR 91.7 FM, is also available as a podcast here on the site or wherever you get your podcasts.

Note: WYXR is a partnership between Crosstown Concourse, the University of Memphis and The Daily Memphian. As part of that partnership, I serve on the board of Crosstown Radio Partnership, which owns and oversees WYXR.


The Sidebar Jennifer Chandler Tim Barker Edge Alley Free with sign-up
Eric Barnes

Eric Barnes

Eric Barnes is CEO of The Daily Memphian, host of Behind the Headlines on WKNO-TV, host of The Sidebar on WYXR 91.7, and the author of four novels.


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