Echols: Who are we without wonder?

By , Special to The Daily Memphian Updated: September 22, 2024 4:00 AM CT | Published: September 22, 2024 4:00 AM CT
Candace Echols
Special to The Daily Memphian

Candace Echols

Candace Echols is a Midtown resident, wife, and mother of five. A regular contributor to The Daily Memphian, she is a freelance writer who also recently published her first book, the children’s book “Josephine and the Quarantine.” 

“We don’t ask to be born and are given absolutely no say in the matter. We don’t get to choose our era, our families, our location of birth. One day, we’re just aware that we are and it takes effort to believe that all of human life and existence didn’t start the very same moment I did.”


Candace Echols Union Avenue

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