Word Search: Recycling in Memphis

By , Daily Memphian Updated: March 06, 2025 4:00 AM CT | Published: March 06, 2025 4:00 AM CT

On an internet forum, a user recently wondered if the City of Memphis actually recycles any of the trash its sanitation workers gather or instead just dumps it all at the landfill.

“Does Memphis recycle or does our recycling bin just go to the trash anyways?” a Reddit user calling herself Anna Rose asked. “I need to know if anything matters.”

A Reddit user with the name Winterbeers quickly chimed in, claiming some special knowledge of the city’s trash practices.

Paper cups now recyclable in Memphis (no, they weren’t before)

“Nope, it doesn’t matter. How do I know? I work closely with the trash companies and outright asked them,” Winterbeers wrote. “We use (sic) to do recycling better but due to various reasons it stopped and now we ‘support recycling’ and everything ultimately (goes) to the same dump sites. I’ve even watched as my local trash pickup dumped both bins in the same truck without even checking what I put inside.”

Nonsense, said Philip Davis, the city’s director of solid waste.

With recycling in Memphis in mind, can you solve this week’s word search?

Don’t forget if you need help there’s an “Assist” dropdown near the top right of the puzzle. 

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