Guest Column: Curb gun crime by focusing on aggravated assault
“By reducing the number of aggravated assaults, we can make a real dent in the number of victims of violent crime and reduce our violent crime rate even more.”
There are 44 article(s) tagged Bill Gibbons:
“By reducing the number of aggravated assaults, we can make a real dent in the number of victims of violent crime and reduce our violent crime rate even more.”
In two closely watched categories, Memphis saw a 2.6% drop in its major violent crime rate and a 20.3% decline in its major property crime rate from January to September, according to the Crime Commission.
Shelby County General Sessions Criminal Court Division 8 Judge Lee Wilson and Lead Judicial Commissioner John Marshall discussed bail setting during a Memphis Shelby Crime Commission virtual discussion Thursday, Oct. 3.
“Reported violent crime, reported property crime and overall crime is down,” Bill Gibbons, president of the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission, said. “I don’t think most people feel it yet, and the way people feel is very, very important.”
The president of the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission says we need to change the juvenile justice system’s arbitrary 19th birthday cutoff and use public safety as the overriding factor in bail decisions.
Two state senators, both from the Memphis area and both members of Tennessee’s Senate Judiciary Committee, agree on many aspects of the city’s crime problem even though they see different paths for solving it.
“The climate is ripe for what new Memphis Mayor Paul Young has called a pandemic-type response to public safety. Many other cities are being cited as ‘models’ for what can be done, and all have merit.”
The panel, which Daily Memphian CEO Eric Barnes will moderate, is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. at Church of the Holy Communion, at 4656 Walnut Grove Rd.
The Downtown Memphis crime plan surfaced in October. It could face its first test this holiday season. Officials involved in putting it together talked on “Behind The Headlines” about the plan and the reality it is built to confront.
“The key to maintaining and building on Downtown Memphis’ momentum is to get a handle on the reality and perception of public safety concerns and to do so with a healthy sense of urgency.”
One of the biggest issues in the mayoral campaign is how candidates intend to fight crime, including whether they will maintain current strategies.
Ray Lepone, who’s leaving the DA’s office to work for Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, says for decades the strength demonstrated by crime victims and their families has inspired him to fight for justice.
“The perception is that crime is up. But the reality is that crime is up,” said Bill Gibbons, president of the Memphis-Shelby Crime Commission. “No doubt about it.”
“Different parts of the criminal justice system tend to operate in silos, and so an easily accessible, easy to understand, transparent reporting system will require the cooperation of many different parties. The public deserves it.”
Gibbons is executive director of the University of Memphis Public Safety Institute and leads Memphis Shelby Crime Commission. Former Memphis Police Department director Chapman is executive director of CrimeStoppers.
“It’s hard for me to go to the grocery store or a restaurant or church without somebody approaching me, expressing concern about juvenile crime,” said Bill Gibbons, president of the Crime Commission. “People are upset about it in this community.”
State government must not fail to fulfill the basic function of providing peace and safety to the people. We must fix what’s broken in our state criminal justice system - because we can do better than this.
A new sentencing system should emphasize enhanced services and appropriate treatment designed to reduce the likelihood of a juvenile becoming a repeat offender.
Major violent crimes, like aggravated assaults, murders, rapes and robberies, are down for the first half of the year compared to the first half of 2021, according to the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission’s 2nd Quarter report released Wednesday, July 27.
Amaia Iratzoqui specializes in “research around the gendered causes and consequences of victimization, including domestic and intimate partner violence.”
Former district attorney explains the laws, guidelines and considerations that officials make when assessing juveniles accused of violent crime.
Violent crime is down from the first quarter last year, but property crimes are up.
“There is no one easy, quick answer to the challenge of gun violence, but there are some common sense steps that could make a significant dent.”
Of the city’s roughly 1,900 commissioned officers, about 61% are on patrol.
Opinion: Loosening the residency requirement for both the Memphis Police Department and the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office is not the sole answer to the law enforcement shortage, but it is a needed and effective tool in recruitment and retention efforts.
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