School takeover terms still taking shape in Legislature
The legislation and local reaction to it were among the topics discussed by a reporters’ roundtable on “Behind The Headlines.”
There are 121 article(s) tagged Memphis Area Transit Authority:
The legislation and local reaction to it were among the topics discussed by a reporters’ roundtable on “Behind The Headlines.”
At its Tuesday, March 18, session, the City Council also takes first votes on the Cleveland Street redevelopment plan and a $300 a year blight fee on owners of abandoned and vacant properties.
In all, nearly one-third of MATA buses weren’t showing up where or when they were scheduled to.
Purchases included about $5,000 in PayPal and Venmo money transfer transactions, $10,000 in Amazon purchases, $7,000 at Best Buy, more than $1,000 at Montblanc, a maker of fine pens, and money on massages.
The Memphis City Council addressed MATA funding, Uptown parking, the Cleveland TIF, a blight fee and whether or not the Mud Island amphitheater is safe to use.
City Council members said Tuesday they still need a financial accounting of how MATA spent past city funding before a new board was installed in October.
Most of the budget amendment would come from city reserves and includes $5 million for the Memphis Area Transit Authority.
The city’s spending on private legal bills is rising, while MATA waits for more cash. Parks director Nick Walker says goodbye.
The Young administration could ask the City Council for additional money for MATA, and at least one council member does not like its current approach.
The new Memphis Area Transit Authority board heard a proposal to replace interim CEO Bacarra Mauldin temporarily with John Lewis of Transpro, the consultant who wrote a scathing report about the bus system just weeks ago.
MATA’s interim CEO Bacarra Mauldin addressed the myriad problems facing the transit system, even while noting progress on some fronts.
Memphis Mayor Paul Young talked about the overhaul of the Memphis Area Transit Authority during a Thursday, Oct. 31, “One Memphis” forum at LeMoyne-Owen College.
The newly confirmed board voted unanimously to suspend the cuts the previous board had approved on Sept. 24.
People with backgrounds in finance, urban planning and “route optimization” were among those recently appointed to the reconfigured MATA board.
Mayor Paul Young told council members in a Tuesday, Oct. 15, committee discussion that the immediate task is to find short-term funding for MATA to avoid a set of bus route cuts and employee layoffs the old MATA board approved that take effect Nov. 3.
Transpro’s draft report said ridership has declined 82% since 1991, the system needs 18 more buses to function properly and its current capital project plans are “financially unsustainable.”
Congressman Steve Cohen of Memphis says he is “disheartened” by the bus system’s “operational and fiscal crisis” after he helped secure $140 million in federal transit funding for MATA in recent years.
The mayor’s comments about governance come after MATA has laid off employees, is weighing route closures, and has faced weeks of headlines about its negative financial worth.
“Great cities are intentional and not accidental. Currently, the Memphis Area Transit Authority does not have adequate funding to deliver the service our riders need and deserve.”
Memphis Mayor Paul Young met with around 150 people at his latest town hall at the McWherter Senior Center in East Memphis.
The transit authority’s latest check-in with City Council saw some skepticism that MATA’s financial troubles were a surprise to those running the city’s bus system.
The parks committee also takes up funding for repairs to the Mud Island river museum building.
The agency is poised for major layoffs and route cuts, yet it’s still working toward plans for a more efficient transit system.
The Aug. 20 meeting became contentious as Memphis City Council members responded to a presentation from MATA’s Interim CEO. Related content:
The council also gets an update on the Memphis Area Transit Authority, finalizes city charter change amendments for the Nov. 5 ballot, and votes on a Whataburger restaurant on Union Avenue.