Thread of creativity runs through interior designer’s textile venture
Local interior designer Leslie Murphy of Murphy Maude Interiors has launched a new brand called Mable Originals — a textiles company that creates original wallpapers, pillows, bedding and more. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)
Interior designer Leslie Murphy of Murphy Maude Interiors has launched a new brand called Mable Originals — a textiles company that creates original wallpapers, pillows, bedding and more.
Murphy Maude Mable Originals Leslie Murphy interior design Subscriber OnlyThank you for supporting local journalism.
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Christin Yates
Christin Yates is a native Memphian who has worked in PR and copywriting since 2007. She earned her B.S. in public relations and M.S. in mass communications from Murray State University.
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