First FedEx deliveries of Moderna vaccine coming Monday
The first truckload of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine destined for U.S. administration sites rolled into the FedEx Express world hub in Memphis about 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 20.
The first truckload of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine destined for U.S. administration sites rolled into the FedEx Express world hub in Memphis about 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 20.
Staffer snaps, edits the thrill on her iPhone to snappy “My Shot” from Hamilton.
Leaders implore citizens, particularly those of color, to gather virtually for the holiday.
Under this public servant with old-school values, gross revenue at the firm increased more than six fold in 10 years.
Methodist-Germantown Hospital president says, “This is the moment we stop this. It is one of those moments I will never forget.”
Coming restrictions have to include ways to limit transmission over the coming holidays, health officials say.
At Baptist Hospital-DeSoto, about half of the more than 1,800 employees have signed up to receive the vaccine.
Health Department expects it could be vaccinating EMS workers and nursing home residents and staff by Dec. 28.
Dr. Robert Redfield was part of a hour-long Zoom yesterday with Dr. Scott Strome, executive dean of the UTHSC College of Medicine.
FedEx reported at mid-day Monday, Dec. 14, it had delivered COVID-19 vaccines to more than 100 destinations without incident and ahead of schedule.
Baptist Memorial Health Care’s flagship Baptist-Memphis hospital on Walnut Grove Road will get the vaccine on Thursday, Dec. 17.
The goal is to produce more physicians of color from Memphis and leverage partnerships to enhance research and improve the health of area residents.
Nurses in hospitals are the most vulnerable, according to contact tracing interviews conducted in the last 30 days.
Part of the variable is the strain COVID-19 has placed on the funeral industry.
The next Shelby County Health Directive, expected soon, will include recommendations that hospitals test employees regularly.
Statutory liability under the False Claims Act triples the $800 million in damages to $2.4 billion.
“If you are a licensed medical provider in any domain, we need you,” said Doug McGowen, City of Memphis chief operating officer. “There are paid and unpaid positions. We also need non-medical volunteers.”
Shelby County has about one primary care physician for every 1,200 people, according to Clint Cummins, executive director of the Memphis Medical Society.
Three more businesses have been cited for a variety of COVID-safety violations.
How fast the vaccine is available to the general public will depend on how many people in the priority categories decide to get it.
Staffing shortages account for bottlenecks in emergency rooms, and the inability to staff hundreds of vacant hospital rooms.
COVID-19 immunizations will rollout this month under a revised state plan that defines the priority orders for Tennessee residents.
While selectively adding some elective surgeries, Methodist anticipates it will pause elective procedures again in anticipation for increased COVID-19 cases stemming from the Thanksgiving holiday.
People who potentially have been exposed but have no symptoms can return to normal life after 7 days, provided they have a negative test.
The council voted unanimously Tuesday to urge a statewide mask mandate, and several council members said their earlier vote against the city’s mask ordinance was wrong.