Long lines for detox, particularly for the uninsured
The waiting list for detox treatment at Alliance Healthcare doubled this week; 75 people are waiting for 4.3 beds.
The waiting list for detox treatment at Alliance Healthcare doubled this week; 75 people are waiting for 4.3 beds.
The gains include new collaborations, technology devices for all SCS students and the speed at which the crisis has forced people to adapt.
Dexamethasone is a commonly used steriod, widely available and inexpensive. It shows promise of being a big breakthrough for the sickest patients, including people on ventilators.
UTHSC and Le Bonheur are setting up a free shot clinic in Frayser to help catch children up on vaccines before school.
Baptist will host the training program, with direction from IAC Associates and in collaboration with Meharry Medical College in Nashville.
CEO Richard Walker of the unopened field hospital is a former Boy Scout who loved search-and-rescue work.
Graduate students in public health will begin tabulations and surveys next week. The grading would be an extension of “knowing where we are and where we want to get to,” according to Dr. Manoj Jain.
Two researchers from the College of Medicine are working together on the interdisciplinary project funded by NIH.
The coronavirus reproduction rate has hovered at 1.2 during Phase 2 of the business reopening, which went into effect May 18.
Church Health chief executive Dr. Scott Morris: "Do you now somebody who has lost their job, who has lost their health insurance?... This might be a time to consider making a donation to Church Health."
UTHSC students organized the event to focus attention on disparities in medical care along racial lines, drawing hundreds of medical workers and students to the rally in the Medical District.
Patricia Myles, 49, was breathing on her own after being treated with the experimental drug, remdesivir. She was discharged from Baptist Memorial Hospital-Memphis, 21 days after the intravenous therapy started.
The space that formerly housed the Cleveland Street Flea Market at 438 N. Cleveland is to become a medical clinic with a variety of services, a building document shows.
As Memphis sees a spike in coronavirus cases and plans move forward to expand testing, some medical professionals say it's not a great idea because of the risk of false-positive results.
IAC Associates has extended its addiction help at Baptist Memorial Health Care, including a hotline it opened recently.
Of the more than 350 children in Shelby County who have tested positive for COVID-19, a tiny handful have developed what appears to be a form of Kawasaki disease, the autoimmune disease that causes blood vessels to inflame. Symptoms include persistent high fever and abdominal pain.
Questions arise about the safety of odor-fighting Silvadur applied to the masks, which diminishes in the fabric with washings.
Two new clinics are expected to open by year's end, and in another four to five years, the team that created Dar Salud expects the nonprofit network will have 10 clinics to serve chronically underserved people in Memphis.
The director of the Shelby County Health Department started her career with a two-year nursing degree. Now she has initiated a partnership with Southwest Tennessee Community College to provide paid Health Department residencies for associate-degree nurses.
Supply of the experimental drug is so limited, physicians must apply to a committee at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for approval to treat patients who meet specific criteria.
The battery-operated suction device is designed to replace the bulb or accordion-style pumps that have been the standard for 50 years.
The hospital will open when numbers of COVID-19 patients make it necessary; they will arrive by ambulance in a drive-up bay off Beale Street.
Both Methodist and Baptist hospital systems are coping with COVID-19 physically so far, but money is becoming a problem.
A source helped Momentum score 30,000 masks, given at no cost to help agencies here. In 10 minutes, they were taken.
Experts say government regulations for nursing homes will drive change, but that costs of doing business the new way may also drive bankruptcies.