City of Memphis The crime prevention nonprofit group SafeWays is partnering with the Memphis Housing Authority to work in eight public housing high rises and communities as well as mixed-income communities on what were once MHA developments. -
City of Memphis
Kennedy Park segment of Wolf River Greenway opens
Most Memphians who use Kennedy Park know it primarily for its softball and baseball fields. That changed Wednesday, Oct. 3, as the latest stretch of the Wolf River Greenway opened where an almost impenetrable combination of undergrowth and dredge material once hid the Wolf River there. -
City of Memphis Mississippi River Park nears November re-opening
Treehouses taking shape in Mississippi River Park by the Wolf River Harbor will get signs before the park’s Nov. 9 opening saying they are suitable for children ages 5-12. -
City of Memphis
Foote Homes to South City continues story of change
The path to end the city’s large public housing projects was a 20-year journey that brought city leaders to a tent last week near the corner of Vance and Lauderdale. -
City of Memphis Report finds broader economic development plan needed
The city-county Economic Development Growth Engine organization known primarily for granting tax incentives to businesses coming to or expanding in Memphis should be empowered to pursue a broader economic development strategy, according to a new report that compares EDGE to efforts in four other cities. -
City of Memphis
Police shooting reaction goes beyond call for TBI investigations
Memphis police brass were about four minutes into Power Point slides at a Tuesday, Sept. 25, City Council committee session before council members shut down the presentation that tallied the hours of police camera recordings and number of cameras in patrol cars. -
City of Memphis
Dulberger says EDGE small part of economic development
The leader of the city-county Economic Development Growth Engine says EDGE is willing to change, but Reid Dulberger was quick to add that changes to the formal approach to growing the Memphis economy won’t address the dominant challenges. -
City of Memphis City working group looks for direction on EDGE
The city’s working group on economic development is about to compare notes on the attributes of a “perfect” economic development organization. -
City of Memphis Council approves de-annexations of Rocky Point, Southwind/Windyke
The Memphis City Council gave final approval Tuesday, Sept. 25, to the de-annexations of the Rocky Point and Southwind/Windyke areas of the city. -
City of Memphis Facebook finds, removes more fake Memphis Police Department accounts
Facebook has deactivated six fake accounts connected to the Memphis Police Department, according to the nonprofit Electronic Frontier Foundation, and sent a letter to police brass last week warning them that the fake accounts violate Facebook's terms of service. -
City of Memphis
New South City homes begin rising on site of Foote Homes
The last of the brick two-story apartment buildings that were the Foote Homes public housing development are down to a few slabs of concrete overgrown by grass and bushes. And new wooden frames are starting to rise near the corner of Lauderdale Street and Vance Avenue. -
City of Memphis
City ready to re-institute Beale Street Bucks cover charge for security
The first weekend the Downtown Memphis Commission and Memphis Police Department considered reinstituting a cover charge on Beale Street did not occur. -
City of Memphis City Council to discuss bus lanes on Second and B.B. King, vote on de-annexations
Second Street and B.B. King Boulevard between Union Avenue and A.W. Willis Boulevard would each have a lane just for buses and other mass transit under a proposal to be discussed by a Memphis City Council committee Tuesday, Sept. 25. -
City of Memphis Explore Bike Share adding stations in Mud Island, Greenbelt Park
In May, Explore Bike Share launched its 600-bike, 60-station system. Now, the bike share system is expanding into Mud Island and Harbor Town via three stations along Greenbelt Park. -
City of Memphis
Airways Middle School zoning change leads with billboard
Few items to be voted on at City Hall kindle controversy like the prospect of a new billboard. The controversy usually pits council members who see billboards as blight and oppose any proliferation of them against members who see them as a money-maker for property owners who lease their land for billboard use. -
City of Memphis
Ford, Fisher on different sides of instant-runoff voting
Most of the 50 citizens at a Hickory Hill town hall meeting Monday, Sept. 17, came to talk and complain about city garbage and trash pick-up. There were so many complaints the host, City Council member Patrice Robinson, began setting up a meeting just to talk about the city’s solid waste services, which are in the process of changing.