Two Collierville officers receive Purple Hearts

By , Daily Memphian Updated: April 28, 2021 6:29 AM CT | Published: April 27, 2021 2:29 PM CT
<div><strong>Collierville Police officers Rachel Tigner (left) and Jacqueline Conlan were awarded Purple Hearts and presented a state proclamation. They were injured in January during a traffic stop.&nbsp;</strong>(Submitted)</div>
Collierville Police officers Rachel Tigner (left) and Jacqueline Conlan were awarded Purple Hearts and presented a state proclamation. They were injured in January during a traffic stop. (Submitted)

It’s the first time the town has awarded the honor in more than 25 years. 


Collierville Collierville Police Department purple heart Dale Lane Jacqueline Conlan Rachel Tigner
Abigail Warren

Abigail Warren

Abigail Warren is an award-winning reporter and covers Collierville and Germantown for The Daily Memphian. She was raised in the Memphis suburbs, attended Westminster Academy and studied journalism at the University of Memphis. She has been with The Daily Memphian since 2018.

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