Voucher repeal effort likely won’t fly in special session
House Minority Leader Karen Camper is holding up on efforts to push a resolution to rescind the state's new voucher law during an Aug. 23 special session.
House Minority Leader Karen Camper is holding up on efforts to push a resolution to rescind the state's new voucher law during an Aug. 23 special session.
State Rep. London Lamar, expecting a baby boy in late November, hopes her pregnancy will help lead to more accommodations for mothers at the Legislature while sounding a bell for the right to choose.
The Tennessee Registry of Election Finance levied another $10,000 civil penalty against state Rep. Joe Towns Wednesday, raising his total to $55,000. But he is refusing to pay out of protest and could be planning legal action.
Cut off from speaking on legislation designed to restrict abortion, the Memphis founder of SisterReach refused to go quietly Tuesday, turning toward people in the audience and calling them "hypocrites."
Memphis Democratic senators challenge presenters in Judiciary Committee hearing on legislation banning abortion at conception.
The Lottery Corporation has no timeline for setting rules and structure, and the new gaming advisory council awaits five of nine appointments to get started.
Republican, Democratic senators take contrasting views on the Mississippi immigrant roundups and federal government action.
State Rep. and House Minority Leader Karen Camper was honored during this week’s gathering of the National Conference of State Legislatures in Nashville.
With Democrats from across the nation calling for stricter gun laws in the wake of two mass shootings, state Rep. London Lamar said President Donald Trump planted the seeds for the deadly incidents by fomenting hatred.
House Speaker nominee Cameron Sexton is opening the door for talks on removal of the Nathan Bedford Forrest bust from the State Capitol.
House Speaker nominee Cameron Sexton found common ground with the Tennessee Black Caucus on items such as criminal justice reform and the state’s new voucher law during a recent Memphis town hall, but he’s on a different wave length on the existence of “institutional racism” in the Legislature.
A contested Republican primary is brewing in 2020 for the District 99 House seat in Shelby County with former Republican Party Chairman Lee Mills entering the race.
A Knoxville House member filed legislation Monday to expel state Rep. David Byrd from the General Assembly over allegations of sexual misconduct with high school basketball girls 30 years ago.
Gov. Bill Lee is analyzing gun control legislation in the wake of two mass shootings nationally but appears most interested in cybersecurity to stop people who show signs of radicalism or mental “instability.”
State Rep. London Lamar is planning to revamp human sex trafficking legislation, potentially shifting from a bill creating a defense for victims to efforts to provide more help for those coerced into the trade.
Voucher legislation – the most contentious issue of the 2019 session – could make its way back to the House next year with a key opponent, state Rep. Cameron Sexton, set to take the reins as Speaker.
House Speaker nominee Cameron Sexton might not bring an about-face for the embattled House Republican Caucus, but Shelby representatives expect a “definite” style change from resigning Speaker Glen Casada.
State Rep. G.A. Hardaway, a Memphis Democrat, said he stands “with the people,” as dozens of Justin Jones’ supporters cheered for him after a court hearing in Nashville’s Justice A.A. Birch Building early Thursday.
With a promise to give lawmakers more freedom, Cameron Sexton of Crossville vaulted to victory Wednesday as House Speaker-select, a month ahead of a special session to replace resigning Speaker Glen Casada.
One of six announced candidates, Deputy Speaker Matthew Hill, has made 14 $1,000 contributions through a political action committee to House Republican colleagues, including Rep. Tom Leatherwood of Arlington, state records show.
State Rep. Joe Towns passed a resolution this year calling for a constitutional amendment to remove slavery and involuntary servitude from the Tennessee Constitution. He contends the U.S. Constitution needs amending, just as the state document does.
Rep. John Mark Windle, a Democrat who was promoted to full colonel in the Tennessee Guard this year, voted against the voucher bill legislation. Windle said he sought the guidance of Tennessee ethics authorities about a report that Casada had suggested Windle's voucher support could lead to a promotion to general.
With U.S. Ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty likely to run for the U.S. Senate, the first Republican to enter the race, Manny Sethi, is calling out the Republican “establishment,” saying it pressured him not to seek the seat.
Gov. Bill Lee could be laying the groundwork for action on the State Capitol bust of embattled Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest.
While some officials contend a new strategy is needed for the state’s Achievement School District following a poor report, state Rep. Antonio Parkinson says it’s time to ditch the program.