‘Sputnik’ sign returns to spin at Joe’s Wines in Midtown
Balton Sign Co. crew members reinstall Joe’s Wines & Liquor’s “Sputnik” business sign on Friday, May 28. The 59-year-old sign was given its nickname because it looks a bit like the world’s first satellite, Sputnik, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. (Mark Weber/Daily Memphian)
The Roto-Sphere has been repaired and reinstalled in front of Joe’s Wines & Liquor in Midtown.
Joe's Wines & Liquors Sputnik Advertising Midtown Public ArtTom Bailey
Tom Bailey retired in January as a business reporter at The Daily Memphian, and after 40 years in journalism. A Tupelo, Mississippi, native, he graduated from Mississippi State University. He has lived in Midtown for 36 years.
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