Sanford: Let’s keep partisan politics out of school board races
‘It’s too bad Republicans in the state legislature don’t read the election commission web site. They never got the memo about nonpartisanship.’
‘It’s too bad Republicans in the state legislature don’t read the election commission web site. They never got the memo about nonpartisanship.’
Tuesday, Nov. 2, is All Souls Day. Beginning in the ninth century, Christians have held a day of prayer on the day after All Saints Day to remember the souls of all who had died.
Nora and I started walking together when our youngest child, our son Gaines, started driving himself to school. That was 24 years ago.
Tennessee Republicans have been railing against businesses, local governments and schools for doing everything in their power to control the spread of a virus that has infected 1.2 million Tennesseans and led to more than 16,000 needless deaths.
‘Every so often, we have to deal with the question of what night to celebrate Halloween so it doesn’t conflict with religious celebrations. This is such a year.’
The hint of political pressure and/or lack of political will hangs over North Parkway at McLean like the smell of elephant and donkey dung on a hot summer day.
Otis Sanford: “...while Powell never sought the office himself, he had tremendous influence with voters during tough presidential election years.”
Fifty years after the death of Elton Hayes, a journey to his grave tells the story of the differences between Black and white in the Memphis of 1971 and the Memphis of today.
Currently less than 25% of those at the jail have been vaccinated, a level far lower than the 70% achievement at the Shelby County Corrections Center.
Every year, Americans are swallowing about 45 gallons of water per capita from either plastic or glass bottles. That means folks around here, people literally sitting on top of famed Memphis water, are getting soaked.
Worth Morgan formally announced Monday, Oct. 11, as a Republican candidate for Shelby County mayor.
The only explanation, God was the only way a turtle could be on top of that fence post.
‘I can’t say that every offer to buy an extended auto warranty that comes via a robocall is deceptive, but separating out the good ones would be a challenge. Postcard or letter solicitations are almost as problematic.’
The new manufacturing site is named Blue Oval City after the iconic Ford logo and it will be three times larger than their current flagship Ford Rouge Factory in Dearborn, Michigan.
I am glad I was forced to look up and recognize that we have more to consume and more to offer than the parameters of an Instagram square or caption field.
Robby Grant: “We’re growing at a rapid rate — working to grab new listeners, secure more partnerships and collaborations with other entities so that we can bring more people in on the work we cherish.”
I have been profoundly humbled by watching how a traumatized community can shine at being a thoughtful and caring community.
Acts of kindness transformed how I was thinking about the world in ways I pray I will not soon forget.
When the truth is being denied, when we are increasingly threatened by that denial, we as a society, we as responsible human beings, must stand for truth against any who knowingly trade falsehood for power.
With a short drive time to the proposed Ford Motor Co. campus, suburbs like Arlington and Lakeland are at a crossroads of how to address possible growth.
The man just brought a Ford assembly plant to the state with more jobs than anyone in this region could have imagined. How can his potential challengers, Republican or Democrat, top that?
It is our duty to craft a comprehensive set of requirements that addresses reform and rehabilitation; our failure to do so is a financial and public safety risk to our community.
Passing this bill would help bring food, jobs and economic opportunities to Binghampton and to the 20 million people around the country who lack access to fresh food.
What makes Micah special, beside his gift for words, is that he understands the meaning of commitment.
Father Nicholas Vieron taught his Adult Greek Class every spring from 1972 to 2019. The poster, made by his former student Barbara Austin, shows the Lord’s Prayer, handwritten in Greek.