Morris: If Martin Luther King Jr. were in Memphis in 2023, what would he want to do this week?
“I believe that the truth is to be found, and we can find it the same way that King was looking for it on the night of April 4, 1968.”
“I believe that the truth is to be found, and we can find it the same way that King was looking for it on the night of April 4, 1968.”
“As bad as it was last Saturday morning, it’s bound to get worse for my hometown. Nothing is working the way it should ... And it was already a town in the vice grip of extreme poverty.”Related stories:
“Would that Memphis and its surrounding communities realize King’s dream and be a compelling model for the nation.”
“Pig butchering” alludes to the practice of fattening up a hog before slaughter. The investment scam originated in Southeast Asia and spread worldwide during the pandemic.
“I’m from Rolling Fork, Mississippi, in what I like to call the Deep Delta. It is the place that made me. It is the place that gave me the confidence to do all the things I’ve dreamed of and accomplished.”
“The residents of the neighborhoods surrounding Sterilization Services of Tennessee already face more than their fair share of adverse health, social and environmental conditions compared to many other parts of Shelby County.”
“I think maybe every time I’ve left a piece of my heart somewhere, I have been cataloging signposts — signposts that point to a place where all good things will not come to an end.”
“To unite Memphians around solving Memphis’ problems for Memphis’ future, we need nonpartisanship. We need to keep nonpartisanship in City Hall and bring it back to our county government.”
“My advocacy work has a purpose. I have a purpose. And as long as I’m able to advocate, I will continue to fight for others with melanoma.”
“In addition to being a teacher, all three of my own children attend public schools. Like everyone, I want to keep them safe. I want to keep my students safe. Putting more guns into schools is not the answer.”
“In the past couple years, the Jail has seen troublesome population increases and has left key positions vacant ... the family of Gershun Freeman has called for a DOJ investigation into his homicide.”
“As my school librarian taught me, not all books are right for every reader, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t right for the library.”
“While we might not agree on where to get the best pizza in town or which is the best Memphis in May band, we may find we totally see eye-to-eye on the ideal spot to catch a stunning sunset.”
A former MPD officer talks about his experiences on the police department’s Auto-Theft Task Force and the juveniles he encountered — repeatedly — during his time on the force.
“Those of us in Memphis fortunate enough to have known Ron Terry, and even those who didn’t, have one thing in common: We are better off because Ron Terry called Memphis home.”
“The mayor’s report not only had different conclusions than those that were reported, but they elaborated on specific factors in which MLGW’s actions when it issued an RFP were inadequate and unprofessional.”
“We create the ability to live with our fears by knowing that the goodness of life follows us on the journey.”
“There is nothing basic about racialized poverty and violence in Memphis. And there is nothing basic about the approach required to fix it.”
“Justice for Tyre Nichols must happen. ... In unison with this, we absolutely can and must appreciate the actions of the hundreds of good officers in our police department.”
“I’ve experienced all of that, and Scripture backs those descriptions as by-products of walking with Jesus. Once you’ve seen stuff like that, it’s hard to keep it to yourself. It’s kinda like this: When you have tasted Pancho’s cheese dip, you can’t not tell other people about it when they come to our city.”
If it’s important to you that a product is truly made in the United States, research the reputation of the manufacturer or marketer making the claim, including with the BBB, to be sure they’re trustworthy.
“If you’ve been struggling lately, I hope today, for just a minute, you can look at your city the way the outsiders do.”
“Tennessee cities produce 92% of all sales tax revenue generated in the state. However, sales tax revenues returned to cities make up only 20% to 30% of their annual operating revenue.”
Gene Bartow’s Tigers showcased a model of Black achievement and interracial harmony. If they make another NCAA Tournament run, we will again hear about how Memphians unite around basketball.
“There are those who would have us look no further than the leaders right in front of our face and there are those who think anyone who is already here is somehow inadequate. The truth is that both of those perspectives fail to see the full picture.”