Guest Column: Raising awareness of Myotonic Dystrophy key to improving quality of life
Beginning the conversation is the first step in moving the needle towards care and a cure.
Beginning the conversation is the first step in moving the needle towards care and a cure.
“Women should be able to run — to exist in any space at any time — without fear of violence. But that isn’t the reality we live in,” says guest columnist Sarah Hunter Simanson.
With Republicans losing every county office, a former local party executive director looks at what the GOP needs to consider if it’s going to win again.
“After this awful past week, many of us have something in common with Robert Church — we have the option to leave and the privilege of choice. I am so glad Robert Church chose to stay.”
With the implementation of the Education Savings Account Program, families in Shelby County can receive nearly $8,200 toward tuition, fees and transportation to attend Catholic schools.
Even with Memphis’ continued job growth, new headwinds emerged with the perhaps the most notable headwind today being high inflation, which has reached levels not seen for 40 years.
This Labor Day, consider how work helps bring you closer to those things you value the most, whether that is God, family or something else.
Thirty-five years ago, on Sept. 1, 1987, Church Health opened for the first time and cared for 12 people. In the ensuing years, more than 80,000 different individuals have come through our doors seeking help.
We must fight for abortion rights, especially for legal exemptions for medical complications as well as pregnancies caused rape and incest, and impregnated children.
Eligible families now have the choice to use an ESA – also known as a voucher – to attend private schools and get extra help for their children.
Our economy is on the precipice of historic growth and it is critical that we develop an ecosystem that creates upward mobility for all, says the Greater Memphis Chamber’s president for workforce development.
Isn’t it time for MLGW to expand their board representation to include the entire service area instead of restricting voting membership to Memphis?
Contrary to popular belief, punishing kids by holding them back does not necessarily make children work harder or get better.
A new sentencing system should emphasize enhanced services and appropriate treatment designed to reduce the likelihood of a juvenile becoming a repeat offender.
Opinion: With nuclear power, once the reactor that TerraPower has developed is turned on, it will produce enough energy for 250,000 to 400,000 homes every minute of every day with essentially no risk to the planet.
ACLU-TN poll shows residents’ priorities for district attorneys on abortion, jail time, cash bail, and other issues.
“Whatever is in our power, our sphere of influence, our financial means and our political will, my prayer is that we all honor Rev. Eason-Williams by our actions.”
A smaller water park with a surfing feature would serve as a huge draw for Mud Island, just as skate parks have proven very successful throughout Memphis.
Guest columnist Warner Davis says “while using tax dollars for private schools is questionable, and diverting resources from public schools objectionable, providing a good education to every American child is applaudable.”
Former district attorney explains the laws, guidelines and considerations that officials make when assessing juveniles accused of violent crime.
Teachers union leader: “It’s hard not to think that Ray’s administrative leave has roots in something other than district policy.”
“In ruling that it is OK for a governing body to hold private meetings on a controversial project and to hide the upcoming vote on that controversial project by leaving it off the agenda, the court undermines the open meetings law,” Deborah Fisher says.
“The Jones Act was not intended to protect jobs. It was to ensure a fleet of reliable, commercial oceangoing ships that could serve in times of war or emergency,” says guest columnist Jonathan Helton.
Opinion: The Election Commission is seeking poll workers for the upcoming elections, city a “significant civic need.”