Opinion: Despite Strickland’s accusations, ‘truth in sentencing’ won’t make Memphis safer
“This new law is not about ‘truth;’ it is about severity,” writes Just City’s executive director.
“This new law is not about ‘truth;’ it is about severity,” writes Just City’s executive director.
“Voters on both sides of this issue believe that lives are at stake, so it is the voters who should ultimately control the outcome of the debate.”
“Until our society can see the truth about abortion, we will continue failing the women who need us the most. People like my grandmother.”
A recent survey found that 77% of consumers “always” or “regularly” read reviews from other consumers. That was up from 60% in the prior survey.
Crosstown High School ninth grades wrote this column addressing the noise and air pollution in Memphis for their capstone class.
On Tom Lee Day, the Tom Lee Poetry and Spoken Word Contest encourages young people to engage in the success of our city.
Carpenter reflects the hard-working constituents of Germantown and East Memphis, and he understands the needs of middle-class families.
Morrison is what we are all looking for in a local elected official, says Jack Sammons.
“It’s critical that we head to the polls to determine who will lead as we seek to redefine Shelby County’s position regionally, statewide and nationally.”
“Vo-Zone will introduce vocations to youths — starting in fifth grade —through thrilling, immersive experiences. Training missions will be specifically designed to ignite their passion to learn which type of vocation sparks their interest.”
“... it’s of vital importance that we, as a community, take care of our small businesses.”
“The current circumstances are pricing nearly all low-income Memphians, and an exponentially increasing number of middle-income Memphians, out of the housing market entirely,” says Amy Schaftlein of United Housing Inc.
“In honor of our five starters, I’d like to offer five ways Memphians could learn from our Grizz, hone our niches and find ways to work and play together.”
Guest columnist Daniel Chatham responds to “the festering view that parents aren’t qualified and can’t be trusted to raise their kids, or at least to raise them in the ways of progressive ideology.”
“The Grifters’ partnership between guitars and bass created something that was oftentimes achingly beautiful or, occasionally, weird and terrifying.”
From July 2020 to June 2021, 96,000 people reported an Amazon scam to the FTC. Only a small percentage of people report scams, so the actual numbers are much higher.
“For most of my long life, car crashes, cancer, drowning and sudden infant death were the leading causes of death for kids – not guns.”
“Dan Richards, 65, is one of just 239 people to complete the Triple Crown of open water marathon swimming. And he is the 12th to do it after age 50.”
Proposed legislation would require results of a DNA test for birth certificates to be officially validated with unmarried fathers’ names.
‘Overton Park’s charm continues to draw together the best of our community, doing what healthy communities do: Savor and save that which brings us together and defines us.’
There’s nothing wrong with a non-partisan mayor trying to curry favor with a member of either political party, particularly when his constituents elected him to do just that.
During the downtime of the pandemic, our reliance on artistic expression became very clear to all of us — both performers and audiences — and so did our interdependence. Do not let our pandemic habits become our permanent ones.
“All of that aside, John K., it’s no mystery to me why the crowd goes crazy when you get in the game,” says Candace Echols in her open letter to the Grizzlies player.
“Seeing me struggle, my friend Dave took the pack off my back and began carrying it for me. It was a humbling experience, one that made me think deeply about the virtue of humility.”
It is time to return because the moral soul of the planet is under threat in the invasion of Ukraine, and we can’t fight this evil via Zoom.