Arlington High hosts second COVID-19 vaccination day
Diane Asbury receivers a vaccine shot during Arlington High School’s vaccination event on Friday, March 26, 2021. Municipal and school employees from Arlington, Millington and Lakeland were able to receive the vaccine. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
Volunteers administer vaccine shots to municipal and school employees from Arlington, Millington, and Lakeland at Arlington High School on March 26. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
Pharmacist Dr. Kristen Smith fills syringes with vaccine at Arlington High School on March 26. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
Art teacher Leanne Wilson receives a vaccine shot at Arlington High School on March 26. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
Kyle Wright receives a vaccine shot at Arlington High School on March 26. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
Volunteers administer COVID vaccinations to municipal and school employees from Arlington, Millington and Lakeland at Arlington High School on March 26. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
Jama Stump receives a COVID vaccination at Arlington High School on March 26. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
The available doses were initially earmarked just for school employees from the Arlington, Lakeland and Millington municipal districts. Some town employees, day care center employees and senior citizens 65 and up in the Arlington area were later added.
COVID 19 vaccines Arlington Community Schools Jeff Mayo Dana VioxMichael Waddell
Michael Waddell is a native Memphian with more than 20 years of professional writing and editorial experience, working most recently with The Daily News and High Ground News.
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