In city’s collective pain, faith leaders don’t pretend to have answers
“I pray that we channel our anger into dedication. I pray that our tears fuel our commitment to come together for healing, for love, for the betterment of Memphis,” said Rabbi Sharit Horwitz of Beth Sholom Synagogue in East Memphis. (Mark Weber/The Daily Memphian)
When highly publicized crimes shake a community, as recently happened in Memphis, the emotional and mental aftershocks linger. And leave behind the most uncomfortable of questions: Why do bad things happen to good people?
faith religion Rector Jeff Marx Rabbi Sharit Horwitz Memphis Theological Seminary Peter Gathje shooting spree Eliza Fletcher Collierville Kroger shooting Subscriber OnlyThank you for supporting local journalism.
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Don Wade
Don Wade has been a Memphis journalist since 1998 and he has won awards for both his sports and news/feature writing. He is originally from Kansas City and is married with three sons.
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