
Orion credit union has a new leader, and she’s focused on growth

By , Daily Memphian Updated: February 16, 2025 4:00 AM CT | Published: February 16, 2025 4:00 AM CT

Ashley McDurmon might have become the CEO and president of Orion Federal Credit Union in January, but her understanding of its culture dates back more than a decade.

On Jan. 1, McDurmon became the first woman leader in Orion’s 68-year history after she took the reins from retiring president and CEO Daniel Weickenand.

He wanted a “a seamless transition” for Orion, the Mid-South’s largest credit union with 70,000 members and more than $1.2 billion in assets.


Orion Federal Credit Union Ashley McDurmon banking and finance Wonder Bread Subscriber Only

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Aisling Mäki

Aisling Mäki

Aisling Mäki covers health care, banking and finance, technology and professions. After launching her career in news two decades ago, she worked in public relations for almost a decade before returning to journalism in 2022.

As a health care reporter, she’s collaborated with The Carter Center, earned awards from the Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalists and won a 2024 Tennessee Press Association first-place prize for her series on discrepancies in Shelby County life expectancy by ZIP code.


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