Political Roundup: Taylor and Noem at Lincoln Day; Chism Picnic looks to 2026
Tennessee State Senator Brent Taylor (middle) at the Lincoln Day Gala at Hilton in East Memphis on Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Ziggy Mack/Special to The Daily Memphian)
State Senator Brent Taylor took his attempt to oust District Attorney Steve Mulroy to the local GOP’s largest annual fundraiser and found plenty of support among Republicans.
Lincoln Day Gala Brent Taylor Kristi Noem 2024 elections Sidney Chism 2026 elections Subscriber OnlyThank you for supporting local journalism.
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Bill Dries
Bill Dries covers city and county government and politics. He is a native Memphian and has been a reporter for almost 50 years covering a wide variety of stories from the 1977 death of Elvis Presley and the 1978 police and fire strikes to numerous political campaigns, every county mayor and every Memphis Mayor starting with Wyeth Chandler.
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