The Early Word: Your Election Day guide, plus the top 5 Memphis athletes

Bianca Phillips By , Daily Memphian
Updated: August 01, 2024 6:30 AM CT | Published: August 01, 2024 6:28 AM CT Premium

Democracy, folks! That’s what today — Thursday, Aug. 1 — is all about. It’s Election Day, so, if you haven’t voted early, get out and vote. We’ve got everything you need to know to cast your ballot, and we’ll be posting live updates from the polls all day. You can find that live blog here.

On the ballot today are county general elections, as well as municipal elections in Arlington and a hotly contested race for Germantown Municipal Court judge. There are also primary races for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House and the Tennessee Legislature. In Ballot Basics, The Daily Memphian’s Bill Dries has compiled everything you need to know to vote today. He’s also got a look inside several candidates’ campaign events, which have involved a Kamala Harris selfie station and a bunch of support for a man who isn’t even running.

It’s the moment all of you sports fans have been waiting for. Today, we’re revealing the top 5 Memphis athletes in our ongoing series on the top 25 players of the 21st century. Unless you’re a big ol’ sports-ball nerd (like our sports reporters who voted on this list), it’s likely you’ve never heard of some of the names in the best athletes stories of the past few days. But we guarantee you’ll know all of the Top 5, which are truly Memphis household names. (Spoiler: Four of the five have been or are currently Memphis Grizzlies). 

Plus, Just City sues over bail changes, Germantown wants a city flag and our dining series is back with a new name and a new host.


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Bianca Phillips

Bianca Phillips

Bianca Phillips is a Northeast Arkansas native and longtime Memphian who’s worked in local journalism and PR for more than 20 years. In her days as a reporter, she covered everything from local government and crime to LGBTQ issues and the arts. She’s the author of “Cookin Crunk: Eatin’ Vegan in the Dirty South,” a cookbook of vegan Southern recipes.


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