
Bailey: Goat Days brings unique character to Millington fall calendar

By , Daily Memphian Updated: September 13, 2024 5:34 PM CT | Published: September 13, 2024 9:00 AM CT

Unfortunately, personnel limitations prevent us from covering Millington as much as we would like. But when we get there, well things can get — shall we say — a bit unusual.

Last weekend, reporter Michael Waddell ventured to North Shelby County for the International Goat Days Festival, a fall staple of the Millington events calendar for more than three decades.

Millington fest is the GOAT of farm animal appreciation

And as the lineup of fall festivals around Shelby County goes, Goat Days fits as one of — if not THE — most unique.

“Goat Days is a little weird, and people like that stuff,” Frankie Dakin, Millington’s city manager, said of the event.

That pretty much sums it up.


Subscriber Only Clay Bailey millington international goat days Frankie Dakin

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Clay Bailey

Clay Bailey

Clay Bailey, a lifelong Memphian, has worked as a reporter in the city four decades. He concentrated on suburban coverage for the bulk of his career, except for a stint as sports editor of The Daily Memphian when it launched in September 2018. He now is suburban editor and also serves as a freelance sports writer for The Associated Press.


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