Community leaders address root causes of crime
Rosiland Moore (in a Nov. 14, 2020 Unity Walk to end gun violence) held a sign remembering her son, Prentice, who was killed in 2003. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian file)
Crime impacts neighborhoods across the city. From Frayser to Whitehaven, community leaders discuss how to address the problem and the causes that contribute to it.
crime Stevie Moore Charlie Caswell Ricky Floyd Neighborhoods Frayser Orange Mound Hazel Moore Whitehaven Unity Walk Against Gun Violence DeAndre Brown Lifeline to Success Subscriber OnlyThank you for supporting local journalism.
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Omer Yusuf
Omer Yusuf covers Bartlett and North Memphis neighborhoods for The Daily Memphian. He also analyzes COVID-19 data each week. Omer is a former Jackson Sun reporter and University of Memphis graduate.
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