Toni Lepeska
Freelance Reporter
There are 252 articles by Toni Lepeska :
September 2018
Millington Millington is poised for explosive growth as a convergence of factors lead it away from the years as a pit stop for young sailors and into a future of economic maturity.
November 2018
Education Integrity, academics stressed at MUS
Memphis University School is marking the 125th anniversary of its founding with steady commitment to building on its legacy of cultivating leaders instrumental to the city’s progress.
January 2019
Education Peer Power influencing high school students, mentors
Even mentors in the Peer Power program are better defining their futures, discovering their passion for helping younger students could turn into a career.
May 2019
Business ServiceMaster taking on acquisitions, culture change
Acquisitions, partnerships and a laser focus on the customer experience are fueling changes across Memphis-based ServiceMaster.
July 2019
Education St. Benedict follows low student-teacher ratio model for new learning program
Educators say the four-to-one model of students to teacher is showing signs of success for those with learning disabilities and should continue to grow.
August 2019
Business Entrepreneurs make pitches, showcase products at Demo Day
Promising startup companies pitch their ideas to potential investors Thursday evening after completing business development programs in Memphis during the Summer of Acceleration.
September 2019
Health Care Suicide counselor’s lessons ring true for many at training session
Counselor says 80% of fragile people give clear warning signs before taking their own lives.
Health Care Counselor opens training for suicide prevention to the community
A free, 1 ½-hour First Responder Coaching seminar for the public will be held Thursday, Sept. 12, at Bornblum Jewish Community School.
October 2019
Education ArtsEd Tennessee gaining influence with lawmakers
Memphis is the last stop of a five-city tour across the state to give arts education supporters strategies on being better advocates.
Business AI software will alert MATA if driver dozes
MATA could equip its entire fleet with safety software developed by a Memphis artificial intelligence company following a pilot program that launches in January.
November 2019
Spirit of Memphis Luck has had little to do with Megan Gray’s early success
The CEO of Moment AI will speak on artificial intelligence ethics at an NVIDIA technology conference on Wednesday, Nov. 6.
January 2020
Health Care Magnotti approaches profession as trauma surgeon his own way
Dr. Lou Magnotti sees patients in the busy, often unpredictable Elvis Presley Trauma Center at Regional One Health with his “collection.”
February 2020
Business Attorney: Navigating divorce part science, part art
Miles Mason, who has written four books, says navigating divorce in Tennessee is complicated by a state law dependent on the personal values and biases of individual judges.
March 2020
Business COVID-19 forcing funeral homes, families to make tough decisions
If mourners can't be part of a funeral while adhering to social distancing, one local professor recommends that people create their own, active way to celebrate and grieve a life.
April 2020
Spirit of Memphis Pandemic stretches help for homeless
Social distancing is creating big challenges for local organizations that provide services and meals to the needy in Memphis.
BusinessOrders at EvergreenUV skyrocket in pandemic
Memphis company "going all over the world" to find bulbs for the products it makes to kill airborne pathogens, including COVID-19.
May 2020
BusinessFlorists, other retailers hopeful Mother’s Day sales bloom
One florist says sales are down 50% to 70% at local shops the past two months, but business has been picking up closer to Mother's Day.
Business Higher beef prices arrive for Memorial Day weekend
Beef supply has been hampered by some processing plants closing temporarily or reducing capacity for coronavirus-related issues.
Financial Services Construction, insurance principals combine on new venture
New company got a boost for sanitizing and disinfecting properties because of COVID-19, but its focus is restoration and mitigation from weather damage.
June 2020
Business Entrepreneurial women think creatively amid pandemic challenge
Women entrepreneurs, who own about half of Memphis area businesses, are finding ways to be creative as a result of challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.
July 2020
Visual Arts Think piñata when you see Eclectic Eye’s ‘Chucho’
Mural's creator: "Life is often hard and challenging. Sometimes it feels like it’s chasing you with a bat, waiting to crack you down."
Health Care Counselor gives Rotarians tools for self-care as coronavirus adds stress
The pandemic is now layered onto the everyday statistics of depression and suicide, which counselor Grace McLaren called a dangerous brew.
August 2020
Business Working remotely puts focus on equipment
Other tricks to improve connectivity and reliability include putting a rate limit on gaming consoles and paying for business-class connections.
Business Whimsy Cookie expands despite pandemic
When the pandemic struck and businesses shut down to stem to the spread of the coronavirus, Whimsy Cookie didn’t pull back. Instead, the small business expanded.
Business COVID-19 has changed the way we shop
Online car dealer Carvana has seen its stock price rise more than 700% since the pandemic started in March.