Guest Column: Thoughts on ‘The Bear’ from a Memphis chef and owner
“Watching ‘The Bear’ has been the most simultaneously cathartic and traumatic television experience of my life.”
There are 168 article(s) tagged Guest Columns:
“Watching ‘The Bear’ has been the most simultaneously cathartic and traumatic television experience of my life.”
“Being away from Memphis while keeping an eye on it from afar has allowed me to appreciate it more, and to long to be back among the people I love.”
More than 40 years ago, Doan and Mylinh Dinh fled Vietnam and established a new family here in Memphis — a city that gave them not just a chance for survival but the opportunity to thrive.
In advance of the legislature’s special session, the former Shelby County District Attorney and head of Tennessee’s Department of Safety and Homeland Security argues for a series of changes to the state’s gun laws.
Data showing the number of times police are called to apartments helps apartment owners and managers identify problematic tenants and intervene as necessary. It also frees up police resources.
“The work we do doesn’t exist in response to the legacy of Elvis Presley. It exists in response to our contemporary scene — scenes, really — that are thriving, diverse and full of transcendent talent.”
“No matter your political stripe, society shouldn’t feel like it is teetering on the brink. That’s why we are gathering in Nashville for a special session at the end of the summer: We all know that there is more to be done.”
“I know this will not be an easy road to travel — but it is worth travelling. I am so excited and beyond grateful to be able to do it with two people that grew to be my heroes.”
“Different parts of the criminal justice system tend to operate in silos, and so an easily accessible, easy to understand, transparent reporting system will require the cooperation of many different parties. The public deserves it.”
“It’s time to confront crime and safety issues in Memphis by focusing on data, comprehending the root causes of crime, and moving beyond policies centered solely on policing and mass incarceration.”
“This weekend we will wear orange to honor the lives lost to gun violence and join the fight to help prevent these tragedies from occurring in the future.”
“This shortage is causing oncologists to make difficult decisions. Treatments are being skipped and delayed, doses are being reduced, treatments plans are being changed, and sequences of usual treatment are being altered.”
“Shelby County has plenty of stable, capable, caring adults with safe homes whose service to our community could make a big impact for a child, a family, or even the system as a whole.”
“We are living in a time of an identity crisis for K-12 and higher education. The laser-focus on college preparation for all students in K-12 education, regardless of their interests or skills, led to mismatched priorities, frustrated families, and uninterested graduates.”
“With business giant Amazon adopting 20 schools in Memphis I am concerned that Amazon has encroached on Memphis-Shelby County Schools’ long-established Adopt-A-School program.”
“Voter sentiment about our city’s crippling crime epidemic transcends socioeconomic, gender, racial and ethnic backgrounds. Actual voters want violent, repeat offenders off the streets, legally. They want the bail ‘loopholes’ closed for these offenders who should be held in jail and timely prosecuted.”
“We must continue to let our state representatives know how their gun laws have completely upended our city and that we demand Tennessee’s urban cities be given the authority to impose their own firearm laws. It won’t be a quick or easy road.”
“Loud and powerful opponents of progress, such as Mayor Jim Strickland, have wrongly claimed that Shelby County’s pretrial policies undermine public safety. There is no data behind his claims.”
“Our shared future can only be created in community. And to do that, we’ll need to use the most efficient and productive platform humanity has yet devised: a bustling, busy, connected urban center.”
“The City of Memphis’ funding of its Affordable Housing Trust Fund has not been near enough. And it has lagged behind the funding in other peer cities.”
“The City of Memphis should utilize the same tools that its colleges and universities and schools do when an imminent threat exists.”
“This is not a quick fix on a long-term and wide-reaching issue, but it is a workable start in moving toward and safer and healthier Tennessee for all of us.”
State Senator Brent Taylor discusses increasing penalties for certain violent crimes and proposed legislation that seeks to stem the rise in juvenile crime.
“The nationally-recognized firm Enervision, is expected to submit its analysis to City Hall before year-end, a potential game-changer that MLGW will not acknowledge.”
“The mayor’s report not only had different conclusions than those that were reported, but they elaborated on specific factors in which MLGW’s actions when it issued an RFP were inadequate and unprofessional.”