Bartlett votes down mosque plan, citing traffic concerns
Bartlett officials have rejected plans for a mosque near a five-way intersection despite claims from the ACLU that the city could face a legal challenge.
There are 16 article(s) tagged ACLU of Tennessee:
Bartlett officials have rejected plans for a mosque near a five-way intersection despite claims from the ACLU that the city could face a legal challenge.
Several groups, including the local nonprofit, filed a federal lawsuit over Tennessee’s aggravated prostitution statute, alleging the law is unconstitutional and violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Fewer than 10% of detainees at 201 Poplar have been vaccinated and criminal justice advocates have filed a motion asking the court to get the Sheriff’s Office to do more to implement a vaccination program — one of the terms agreed upon in a lawsuit settlement agreement.
Efforts are afoot to remove or ease a Tennessee requirement that child support payments be current in order to vote.
Business owners would be able to vote in elections where the business property is located, even if the owner doesn’t live in the same place as the business, under a bill being considered by the Tennessee General Assembly.
The ACLU is asking a Davidson County chancellor to hold the state of Tennessee in contempt of court for violating an absentee ballot order by forcing first-time voters to cast ballots in person.
An independent inspection of the jail at 201 Poplar was ordered by the court in an ongoing lawsuit to get medically vulnerable inmates released from the jail.
The City of Memphis is seeking to modify the 1978 consent decree dealing governing police surveillance activities. A hearing on the request began Wednesday, June 17.
In a demand letter to Sheriff Floyd Bonner, the ACLU and others allege that unsanitary conditions and inadequate preventative measures are jeopardizing the health of detainees in the jail.
The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Tennessee, and Dechert LLP filed a lawsuit Friday, May 15, seeking to make absentee voting available to all eligible Tennessee voters during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mediation is getting underway on a consent decree modification case between the city and the American Civil Liberties Union. The city wants to modify a 41-year-old consent decree governing police activities.
Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland announced Friday that the city is holding a community meeting Nov. 7 to gain public input on the 40-year-old police consent decree.
Community activists say they still feel they're being watched and harassed by law enforcement, while a monitoring team says it is trying to ensure Memphis police comply with court-ordered reforms.
A new website will give the public a chance to weigh in on the city's progress in meeting court-ordered reforms resulting from its violation of the 1978 consent decree over political surveillance.
Both sides in federal lawsuit over Memphis police surveillance request a year to work out differences outside of court ruling.
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