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<strong>Wedding guests shower Lindsey Wilkerson and Joel Alsup with heart-shaped confetti following their wedding at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.</strong> (Courtesy of St. Jude)

‘It’s like the Royal Wedding of St. Jude’

Cancer survivors, co-workers at ALSAC and best friends, marry on campus of hospital that saved their lives

This is a boy-meets-girl story, with complications. Because what love story for the ages ever came off without some complications? And so: Boy gets cancer. Girl gets cancer, too. Boy loses right arm, at age 7, but discovers his inner lefty. He takes up golf, and even plays on the baseball team. “I played first base and centerfield,” he says, with pride. “I wasn’t the kid in right field who ate grass. I was part of the team.”

New Victorian Village home built for Airbnb guests

A house now under construction in Victorian Village is rare in two ways. It’s the first home in more than a century to be built in the 600 block of Adams, the core of old 19th-century neighborhood of mansions. And, the new house is intended solely for Airbnb guests.

Food Fight: Gus’s vs. Uncle Lou’s

As near as anyone can tell, people have been frying food since the Middle Ages. I like to think that this unknown date, when a first fritter was dunked in boiling fat, was our true moment of civilization. Around the world, perhaps nothing fries up as nicely as a chicken. Setting aside vegetarians and the extremely health conscious, it is everyone’s favorite food. Right?

Protests, arrests, proposed new law follow ‘disturbing’ shooting

Two days after Martavious Banks was critically wounded by a Memphis police officer in a shooting, protesters stood on the sidewalk at the entrance to the Airways police precinct calling for justice Wednesday night. About 50 protesters, some with bullhorns and carrying signs that read, “We have our cameras on," arrived shortly before 7 p.m. to the “Citywide Protest” organized by Memphis activist, Mac Freddie. 


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