Table Talk: Recipes are coming; Memphis loses a beloved friend

By , Daily Memphian Updated: June 02, 2021 7:51 PM CT | Published: June 02, 2021 1:22 PM CT
<strong>Chasney Vue, whose family runs the Lor&rsquo;s Homegrown Produce stand at Agricenter&rsquo;s Farmers Market, catches a cantaloupe tossed by one of her siblings while setting up the stand on Tuesday, June 1</strong>. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)

Chasney Vue, whose family runs the Lor’s Homegrown Produce stand at Agricenter’s Farmers Market, catches a cantaloupe tossed by one of her siblings while setting up the stand on Tuesday, June 1. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian)

We’ll start swapping recipes later this month; Agricenter has opened for the season and Memphis lost a favorite son over the holiday weekend with the death of Phil Bryant.


Table Talk Agricenter Phil Bryant $10 Deal
Jennifer Biggs

Jennifer Biggs

Jennifer Biggs is a native Memphian and veteran food writer and journalist who covers all things food, dining and spirits related for The Daily Memphian.


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