Hispanic victims of domestic abuse find emotional, legal support at CasaLuz
As the pandemic hobbles on, clients have filed a record number of orders of protection for situations that were “more violent than ever.”
As the pandemic hobbles on, clients have filed a record number of orders of protection for situations that were “more violent than ever.”
The council approved Tuesday, June 1, accepting $80.5 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funding -- the first of two payments to come from Washington for pandemic relief. But there are still questions and uncertainties about how the money can be used.
Memphis City Council members voted Tuesday, June 1, to extend the city’s five-year old disparity study another two years.
The process of relocating the remains of Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife began Tuesday at Health Sciences Park. The scene quickly became tense after workers put up Confederate flags around the site and began dumping debris on the letters of a Black Lives Matter mural around the monument.
The Tuesday council session includes discussion about proposed home improvement grants, an extension of the contract with the company that runs Liberty Bowl stadium for the city and a delay until June 15 on final votes that would set the city budget and property tax rate.
Shelby County is about 51% toward its goal of vaccinating 700,000 people, according to the county Health Department. As of Thursday, 355,102 total people are vaccinated with 270,297 of them fully vaccinated.
City Chief Financial Officer Shirley Ford told council members the budget for the new fiscal year that begins July 1 is in the red by approximately $23 million. The culprit is new ground rules for the use of federal funds to make up for revenues lost in the pandemic and how the lost revenues are counted.
Memphis police officer Scotty Triplett was killed May 22 in a car crash while he was on duty as a motorcycle police escort.
The state decision Monday clears the way for site preparation to begin immediately at the Fairgrounds, starting with the 227,000-square-foot Memphis Sports and Events Center that is the centerpiece of the $126 million undertaking.
The honor marks the second medal for the Memphis library system. The first was in 2007, making Memphis Public Libraries the first ever two-time recipient of the award.
The City Council Scorecard looks at the constant companion of budget season at City Hall — deciding a contract impasse between the city administration and one of the unions representing city employees. And the council is almost unanimous on the state’s ban on teaching critical race theory.
A coalition of a dozen nonprofit and community organizations are calling for the city and county property tax rates to stay at their current rates to create more funding for public education, public transportation, affordable housing and similar priorities.
City Parks and Neighborhoods Division Director Nick Walker, on “Behind The Headlines,” talks about the importance of outdoor areas in post-pandemic life.
More than 100 people came out to Memphis Jewish Community Center Wednesday evening to rally for peace.
Former MPD officer indicted on murder charges after he allegedly killed a man while on duty.
The resolution condemns the bill on Lee’s desk that bans public schools from teaching the racial theory. Council members, Black and white, said their experience on a diverse elected body has shown the importance of discussing race in classrooms.
The loan comes as construction costs are rising nationwide. The loan is covered by private donations pledged over several years as well as raising $2.5 million more from donors. The University of Memphis has pledged to cover any shortfall in raising the additional private funds.
The council approved on first reading an ordinance that forbids dumping belongings in an eviction on public rights of way and approved on the second of three readings the creation of a Crosstown Historic District Overlay governed by the Memphis Landmarks Commission.
The city would buy the 16.9 acre Coke bottling plant at Southern and Hollywood under a tentative letter of intent council members were briefed on Tuesday, May 18.
City releases bodycam footage, requires MPD to refer all excessive force cases to district attorney.
Amy Weirich’s new unit targeting police brutality is off to a fast start, charging two officers so far, yet faces challenges ahead.
A former MPD patrolman escapes prosecution for the liberal use of his Taser, yet a new District Attorney unit aims to hold brutal cops accountable.
The council will hear, in committees, about the idea of “potential acquisition and adaptive reuse” of a bottling company plant at Southern and Hollywood. On the council agenda is a vote urging Gov. Bill Lee to veto a bill that bans teaching critical race theory.
The painting shows the Cossitt Library shortly after or just before its 1958 renovation when the midcentury modern front of the landmark was added.
Hundreds gathered Downtown in solidarity with those who have been killed or hurt in Palestine.