Ward Archer on the aquifer, local media and independent music
Ward Archer joins Eric Barnes on The Sidebar to talk about some of the projects and companies he’s involved in, from Protect Our Aquifer to Archer Records to Contemporary Media.
Ward Archer joins Eric Barnes on The Sidebar to talk about some of the projects and companies he’s involved in, from Protect Our Aquifer to Archer Records to Contemporary Media.
On this bonus edition of the Grizzlies Podcast, Chris Herrington is joined by The Ringer’s Rob Mahoney.
Drew Hill and Chris Herrington discuss the challenging schedule ahead and how the playoff picture looks at the moment for the Memphis Grizzlies.
“If you love economic development — if you’re into job creation, if you’re into health and wellness — then you have to be into housing,” said Amy Schaftlein, of the nonprofit affordable housing agency United Housing Inc.
Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington just wrote about tamales, and on this week’s Sound Bites, they talk about them, too.
In this bonus edition of the Daily Memphian Grizzlies Podcast, Chris Herrington welcomes back recurring guest Keith Parish, host of the Grits and Grinds and Fastbreak Breakfast podcasts.
Drew Hill and Chris Herrington discuss the All-Star break, potential playoff matchups and the annual update to the Grizzlies Glossary.
The chief economic development officer of the Greater Memphis Chamber said on “Behind The Headlines” that companies are seeking out the city’s diversity when looking to expand or relocate.
CLERB chairman James Kirkwood talks in The Daily Memphian’s “On The Record” podcast about the review board’s possible role in investigating allegations of police misconduct, pending legislation in Nashville.
We continue talk of cakes not just fit for but named for kings and talk about the food news of the week on this week’s Sound Bites.
The executive director of the Memphis Black Arts Alliance, Lar’Juanette Williams joins Eric Barnes on The Sidebar to talk about her incredible range of experiences in the arts and beyond.
Drew Hill and Chris Herrington discuss the comments from Memphis Grizzlies president of basketball operations and general manager Zach Kleiman after the trade deadline.
Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris talks on “Behind The Headlines” about his renewed second-term focus on national issues and his willingness to cross jurisdictional and political boundaries.
Mardi Gras cometh and with it, king cakes, pancakes and all manner of delicious food. And can broccoli win a cage match with Brussels sprouts?
Hamlett Dobbins, a remarkable painter who lives here in Memphis, joins Eric Barnes on The Sidebar to talk about the work he does.
Drew Hill and Chris Herrington discuss the Grizzlies win over the Bulls, booing and the NBA trade deadline.
The Memphis artist joins Eric Barnes on The Sidebar to talk about his art, immersive worlds, the Mid-South Coliseum and how maybe — just maybe — the artists’ collaborative Live From Memphis could return.
Sarah Houston talked on “Behind The Headlines” about the coal ash cleanup still in progress at the old TVA Allen Fossil Plant and its impact on the Memphis Sands aquifer, which supplies the city’s water.
Drew Hill and Chris Herrington share thoughts about the Grizzlies positioning ahead of the NBA trade deadline.
On The Daily Memphian’s “On The Record” podcast, Michalyn Easter-Thomas talks about trying out a ban on traffic stops by police for certain offenses. Other council members want a department-wide review.
On this week’s Sound Bites, Jennifer Biggs and Chris Herrington talk about the Porcellino’s biscuit recipe (Chris made ‘em) and plenty of this and that.
The affordable housing development has been a decade in the making. Construction begins amidst a new push to scale affordable housing in blighted areas beyond isolated units as well as new concerns about how nonprofits get the land for development.
The “Behind The Headlines” reporters roundtable focused on the death of Tyre Nichols and its long-term impact on policing and criminal justice reform in Memphis.
Drew Hill and Chris Herrington discuss the Grizzlies’ four-game losing streak and break down the struggles for Memphis on the wing.
Drew Hill talks with Desmond Bane’s high school coach about the Grizzlies star’s teenage years in Richmond, Indiana.